Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Whipped Cream? Yes please.

After a few days of some kind of cold bug I seem to have energy again. I decided to go for a swim at the DGI Byen (don't ask me how to pronounce that in Danish because 'jeg taler ikke dansk!') Cycled and found my way and paid my 40DKK to enter - getting there before 9am provided me a discount. The pools were very cool... they had all sorts of pool props like buoyancy belts and float boards etc. It was clear that you had to move with traffic in the circular lap pool. Did a few laps and then moved into the warm relaxing pool. Overall I thought it was a good deal - just under 10 bucks for a whole lot of fun.

The best part was the way home. After some shopping at a nearby mall and some lunch I went to visit what they call 'little Paris'. It was more like 'little mainland Europe' because they had the most amazing Italian cafe and I had 'en kugle' (1 scoop) of pistachio 'is' (ice cream). The best part was when she asked if I wanted whipped cream on top - yes please! Even the other day I had a hot chocolate to warm me up and they asked me if I wanted whipped cream - yes please! They honestly gave me more whipped cream than hot chocolate.

I am off now - going to shop for a gym membership.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the Danish know how to make the ideal cup of hot chocolate. Ah, whip cream, so delicious and it can go on anything, food, body parts, it's all good! :)


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